Graffiti Dictionary | Keywords Within the Culture — Part 2 M-Z

Carter Thurman
3 min readOct 19, 2022


The second part to keywords and definitions to take note of to understand graffiti lingo and keep in mind while reading my future post.

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Married Couple — Two whole train cars next to each other.

Moniker- Another way of writing your signature. You often find these on train cars. I’ve also heard these referred to as a “Story”. Here is an example.

Photos by author

Mural — Large graffiti piece often planned out and consists of a wildstyle or 3D style with characters and a very detailed background.

One Liner — A throw-up or tag done with one line without the artist stopping to start another line.

Panel — A small piece of graffiti done on a train car under the windows. “Flying Panels” are pieces done above the windows on a train car.

Pichacao — Brazilian Form of tagging. Normally Found on the side of buildings. Some even repel down the side of a building to achieve this style.

Punition — Repeating a work or tag to cover a whole surface with graffiti.

To Rack / Racking — Stealing graffiti supplies.

Roller (Roller Piece) — Graffiti done with paint rollers. This style is used to create block-style letters. Artists can use rollers on a small or large scale. Check out the photo below for an example. This style is one of my favorites!

Rooftop Piece — A piece simply found on a rooftop. These are normally “heaven spots”.

Run — Length of time of which a graffiti piece stays up before being removed or is no longer visible.

Tag — The Signature of a writer

Throw-up — Quickly sprayed graffiti piece. Normally one color is a fill-in and one color is the outline.

Top-to-Bottom(T2B)- Pieces that cover an entire wall or train car. You may even see city transit buses covering T2B as well.

Toy — Used to describe an incompetent writer with no skill or reputation. You can normally find the work of “toys” over a nice piece or scribbled on a wall.

Whole Car/Whole Train — An entire train car or train covered completely with graffiti.

Writer — A “graffiti artist”

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed part 2 of my graffiti keywords dictionary! If you missed the first article you can view it here!

If you’d like to keep up with daily graffiti posts check out my Instagram! @Photaurs.Graff



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